Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Anything But a Teacher!

"Anything but a teacher" was my answer to anyone who ever asked me what do you like to be in the future. And what's really funny is that I've been teaching for four years and I'm only 23. I guess God had other plans for me, and these plans made me find my real passion. It turned out that teaching is my passion and special education is where I feel content. Although it was a new and a different experience to me, I managed to hold myself together and do my best.
I think my hard work last year actually payed off , the coordinator specifically assigned to me the responsibility of  teaching the elementary classes. It's pretty hard and complicated as I'm working with different levels and different problems (ADHD, Autisim and Dyslexia..) at the same time. 
Sometimes I feel that my head is all over the place, but the good thing is that I always have a backup plan and I'm good at improvising.
The one thing I can never describe is the way I feel when I see my kids improve. Seeing them glowing up is what keeps me motivated.

Common Disabilities Which Receive Special Education Services

The child might have a Learning Disability if . . . He or she has average ability but is significantly behind in a subject area. (Typicall...